
FP1 is proud to have served as the media consultant to Senator Tim Scott during his 2022 reelection campaign. Our advertising helped the senator secure the most dominant statewide win in South Carolina in decades.


Senator Scott had two important goals for his reelection campaign. He wanted to solidify his support among very conservative Republican voters, especially those in the Greenville media market, and he wanted to win the general election with over 60% of the vote. To achieve these goals, Scott needed a message strategy that would animate the GOP base without offending swing voters in the middle of the electorate. Senator Scott also didn’t want to needlessly drain his campaign war chest, so every ad in our message progression needed to hit the mark to maximize its return on investment.


Senator Scott has an inspirational life story that is proof that America is a land of opportunity, not a land of oppression. He was raised in poverty by his grandfather and single mother. His mom worked 16-hour days as a nurse’s aide to put food on the table and keep the lights on. Senator Scott’s grandfather, who was forced to quit school in the third grade to pick cotton, never learned to read or write, but he taught his grandson many important life lessons. Most importantly, that you could be a victim or a victor in life, but not both. Thanks to the strength, faith and values of his grandfather and mother, Tim Scott overcame the challenges of his humble beginnings, got on the path to success, built a successful small business and became the first African American elected to the U.S. Senate in South Carolina. Our first spot of the campaign focused on Scott’s family story of going from cotton to Congress in one lifetime to position him as an unapologetic fighter for the conservative values that make American exceptional. In our second ad, we focused on how liberals in Washington disrespected South Carolina’s first black Senator by calling him “Uncle Tim” when he tried to strengthen policing and a “prop” when he wrote legislation to double the child tax credit and cut taxes for single mothers. This ad exposed the hypocrisy of the liberal elites in Washington that are more concerned about preserving their power than solving our problems.

Senator Scott achieved the American Dream because he received a good education. Expanding hope and opportunity is the senator’s passion and mission. We ran two education-themed ads that positioned Scott as a fighter for parents and students and against the union bosses who trap children in failing schools. We also ran an ad on digital platforms that talked about the senator’s leadership in writing legislation to refund the police and restore trust in law enforcement in the aftermath of the violent riots in the summer of 2020. Liberals in Washington had cynically killed Senator Scott’s police reform bill because they wanted an issue instead of solution. This ad helped define Scott as a thoughtful and forceful leader who respects law enforcement and who is fighting against the defund-the-police radicals who are responsible for the worst crime wave in decades.

Our final ad of the campaign was filmed in the neighborhood barber shop that Senator Scott has frequented since his childhood. This is a special place for the senator and a source of common sense that guides his approach to legislating in the U.S. Senate. In this ad, Senator Scott sent a strong message to liberals in Washington who think they speak for people like him.

The folks at his barber shop aren’t interested in woke political agendas like defunding the police or critical race theory. They want good schools, good jobs and safer neighborhoods – the issues Senator Scott is leading on in Washington.

In a brushfire poll in mid-October, Senator Scott had built up an 88% favorable rating among very conservative Republican primary voters. In comparison, President Trump was viewed favorably by 83% of these same voters. This strong support in the GOP base drove Senator Scott’s ballot number up in the conservative-leaning Palmetto state.


On Election Day, Senator Scott was reelected with 63% of the vote in South Carolina. To put this win in context, Governor Henry McMaster won reelection in 2022 with 58% of the vote. Donald Trump won South Carolina in 2020 with 55% of the vote. In 2014, former Governor Nikki Haley won her last statewide election with 56% of the vote and Senator Lindsey Graham won reelection in 2020 with 54%. Significantly, Senator Scott fortified his base of support in the conservative Upstate region of South Carolina by winning 67% of the vote in Greenville County, 70% in Spartanburg County, 77% in Anderson County, 80% in Pickens County, 79% in Oconee County and 74% in Laurens County.

Our “Cotton to Congress” ad won three Reed Awards for Best Biographical TV Ad, Best U.S. Senate TV Ad and Outstanding Copywriting in a TV Ad, a Sliver Pollie for Best U.S. Senate TV Ad and a Bronze Telly Award. Tim Scott is one of the most thoughtful and important voices in the Republican Party. He has an optimistic vision for America’s future and the fighting spirit to take on the liberal Democrats and win. FP1 was proud to be on Senator Scott’s team.

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